Linda B. Cromer grew up in the midwest dreaming of becoming an artist and living in Greenwich Village. After graduating from Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) and an idyllic year in New York, there was a move west, years in Arizona, including an MFA from the University of Arizona and 4 years teaching painting and drawing. After 2 years in Mexico and Central America, she finally returned to New York and eventually to Greenwich Village fulfilling the childhood dream. During that time out west and since returning to New York, she has been painting and showing her work nationally and internationally.

All watercolor paintings shown on the 2 gallery pages are origionals on 100% rag paper, either 140, or 300 pound weight. They are all 22 by 30 inches. Smaller paintings are available  and a limited group may be seen on the 4th page along with the show schedules. Interested parties should e-mail to or call me at 212 243-0413 for information on prices, purchasing options and shipping charges on one or more of the paintings shown here or for an appointment to see all the work. Currently, there are more than eighty paintings that can be viewed at my studio.  I have recently been doing some larger paintings. They are displayed on the last page of the website and at the top of this page, and below and gallery I

Working on a painting